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FOWOC is a registered charity established in 2016 to promote the conservation of the landscape and natural beauty of the Cotswolds National Landscape AONB in West Oxfordshire. It is based in Charlbury.

FOWOC is particularly active in seeking to ensure proper application of AONB planning laws and policies, as well as promoting the conservation of the natural environment which contributes to the AONB.  The charity responds to consultations on policy and applications, scrutinises decisions and exceptionally will coordinate challenges to planning decisions where these are considered particularly damaging and to have been made unlawfully.


FOWOC looks to work with other local organisations, including parish councils and action groups, and assisting with fundraising for campaigns, and has done this successfully in Stonesfield, Burford and Ascott under Wychwood.

FOWOC gives great attention to consultation responses by the Cotswolds National Landscape Board, the statutory body responsible for the conservation of the Cotswolds AONB.  The Board comprises appointees from each of its 15 constituent planning authorities as well as by the Secretary of State and employs a team of professional planners to respond to consultations.  Strong objections by the Board which are set aside by the Planning Authority are subject to particular scrutiny.

The charity updates supporters on its activities and the progress of its actions and is committed to fighting for a fair and consistent planning system in the West Oxfordshire Cotswolds National Landscape.

Some planning applications the charity has responded to:

23/03071/FUL - Land South of Forest Road Charlbury

23/01504/OUT - Land west of London Lane, Ascott Under Wychwood

22/03294/S73 - Land South of Forest Road Charlbury

19/02217/FUL - Witney Road, Finstock

17/00079/FUL - Well Hill, Finstock

17/01670/FUL - Woodstock Road, Stonesfield

17/00889/FUL - Police Houses, Hixet Wood, Charlbury

17/00642/OUT - Land East of Barns Lane, Burford

16/03494/FUL - Grammar School Hill, Charlbury

15/03099/FUL - Land South of Forest Road Charlbury

Since its inception as a charity, FOWOC has raised over £47,000 from over 100 donors.

FOWOC is a registered charity (registration number 1175055)

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